Biden's Ultimatum: US Threatens to Withhold Arms if Israel Mounts Full-Scale Rafah Attack

President Joe Biden says Israel must choose between advancing its battle against the last Hamas stronghold in Rafah and receiving weapons from the U.S. In an interview with CNN, President Biden said he wouldn’t supply weapons to Israel if it goes into Rafah.

 “We’re going to continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms of Iron Dome and the ability to respond to attacks that came out of the Middle East recently,” he stated.

At a Senate hearing, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin admitted that President Biden may order future arms deliveries to Israel to be cut off because of Israel’s planned full-scale invasion into Rafah. Austin confirmed the pause Wednesday during a testimony at a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing discussing the Defense Department fiscal 2025 budget request.

 “We are currently reviewing some near-term security assistance shipments in the context of unfolding events in Rafah.”

The conflict prompted a sharp reprimand from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R) South Carolina, who stated that Israel requires all available weapons to defend against enemies intent on annihilating the Jewish people.

“Do you believe Iran really wants to kill all the Jews, if they could, the Iranian regime?” Graham asked Austin.

“That’s what they say,” Austin replied.

“Do you believe Hamas is serious when they say we’ll keep doing it over and over again? Do you agree that they will if they can?” Graham continued to ask.

 “I do, Hamas, but not the Palestinians,” Austin replied.

Graham responded, “Okay. Do you believe that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization also bent on the destruction of the Jewish state?”

“Hezbollah is a terrorist organization,” stated Austin.

“You’re telling me you’re going to tell them how to fight the war and what they can and can’t use when everybody around them wants to kill all the Jews?”

Graham continues to press, “And you’re telling me that if we withhold weapons in this fight, the existential fight for the life of the Jewish state, it won’t send the wrong signal?”

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Meanwhile, Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer seems to have no problem with the White House cutting off arms to Israel.

“I believe that Israel and America have an ironclad relationship. And I have faith in what the Biden administration is doing,” said Schumer.

Senator John Thune sees that not delivering weapons as hurting both Israel and the U.S.

“Not doing so not only undermines the security of Israel, but it also draws into question our reliability as an ally,” Thune stated.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declined to comment on the possibility of losing U.S. weapons support, but earlier this week he said Israel would fight its genocidal enemies, even if it has to do it alone.

Israel’s ambassador to the U.N., Gilad Erdan, told Israeli radio KAN that Biden’s decision was difficult and disappointing, especially against the backdrop of pledging to support Israel.

“Any pressure on Israel, all the restrictions placed on Israel is interpreted by our enemies – Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and everyone – as something that gives them hope to succeed in their objectives, which are certainly not good for Israel,” Erdan said.

An editorial in the Jerusalem Post noted: “This not only potentially prolongs the conflict but risks increasing the civilian casualties the U.S wants to prevent. It’s a paradox that undermines the intended ethical stance of the U.S. and illustrates a misunderstanding of the dynamics in fighting entrenched terrorist elements.”

Meanwhile, Israel said it carried out aerial strikes against dozens of terror targets in the central Gaza Strip including military structures and terror tunnels.

On Wednesday, terrorists launched numerous rockets from within civilian areas of Rafah towards the Kerem Shalom crossing, which is the main crossing for food and supplies to enter Gaza.

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