'Glorification of Jihad': Investigation Shows UN Palestinian Agency Radicalized Kids to Hate Israel

An independent review of the U.N.’s Palestinian relief agency has found that UNRWA helped radicalize Gazan school children against Israel. That news comes as we’re also learning more about Israel’s strike against Iran last week. 

Israeli Tech Trumped Iran’s Detection

When Israel launched a strike following Iran’s massive aerial attack on the Jewish state, Israel reportedly used a missile equipped with technology to let it avoid Iran’s radar system showing that it can strike Iran whenever it wants.

In an apparent blow to Iran’s air defense capabilities, new satellite photos suggest Israel hit a radar system in Isfahan without even being detected.

Iran has deployed multiple Russian-made S-300 air defense systems around air bases and large nuclear facilities.

Israel’s counterstrike last Friday apparently hit one of these defense batteries near Natanz, close to a major nuclear enrichment facility.

UN Agency Taught Children to Hate Israel

Meanwhile, a new report says the UN Palestinian refugee agency, UNRWA, was pivotal in radicalizing generations of Gazans to hate Israel.

A panel appointed by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to review UNRWA neutrality released its report Monday.

The investigation led by the United Nations uncovered social media posts and textbooks that glorified jihad and martyrdom and urged Gazans to commit acts of violence against Israelis.

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“Some of the content, marginal, but even if marginal – we write, is problematic,” said Catherine Colonna, former French foreign minister, who was tasked with overseeing the UNRWA investigation. “Glorification of jihad, incitation to violence, maps of the current world – not historical maps – not showing the existence of Israel, so many other problematic issues, with lots of examples.”

The U.N. has put forward 50 recommendations to improve UNRWA’s neutrality policies and overcome a culture of political bias. 

“We have long made clear that there needs to be reforms at UNRWA,” said Matthew Miller, the U.S. State Department’s lead spokesperson. “We would welcome the U.N. making the reforms that former Foreign Minister Colonna made in her report.”

However, the report also said that Israel did not provide sufficient proof to back its claim that a large number of UNRWA workers are affiliated with militant groups.

U.S. Considers Punishing Israeli Group

In a separate matter, the U.S. for the first time ever is considering penalizing a unit inside the Israeli military.

The State Department is expected this week to impose sanctions on Israel’s Netzah Yehuda, or Judea Forever, a unit of ultra-Orthodox soldiers serving in the IDF and accused of alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians in the West Bank. 

Israeli leaders have condemned the decision as unfair, especially at a time when Israel is at war. Israel’s defense minister met with members of the Netzah Yehuda battalion Monday.

“If a soldier makes a mistake, we will hold him accountable,” said Yoav Gallant, Israeli Defense Minister. “This is the responsibility of the military establishment. No one in the world will teach us what are morality and what are norms.”

200 Days in Captivity 

It’s been 200 days since the October 7th Hamas attacks. This week as Jews around the world celebrate Passover, dozens in Tel Aviv joined families of hostages who still have loved ones inside Gaza.

“We are doing this at the hostages’ square to unite, together, with the saying that we cannot celebrate anything that has to do with freedom when we have hostages in Gaza,” said Mika Berglas with the Kibbutz Be’eri Hostage Forum.

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