Arrests made in eastern India gang rape case, highlighting ongoing struggle against sexual violence

(Photo: Unsplash/Steven Lewis) Police in Jharkhand arrested the seven men suspected in the gang rape of a foreign tourist and the assault of her husband last week. The incident highlights India’s ongoing struggle to combat sexual violence against women, a challenge that has persisted for decades. The couple, who were travelling by motorcycle from West … Read more

Continued arrests and church assaults impacting Christian community in UP

(Photo: Unsplash/Daniel Joshua) Christian in Uttar Pradesh have voiced grave alarm after nearly 25 believers, including pastors, were arrested in the previous week over supposed “conversion” efforts by authorities. Pastor Jitendra Singh, the general secretary of the Pastors’ Association of Uttar Pradesh, told UCA News that 20 Christians were arrested on September 10 in Kanpur, … Read more