Trump Pulls Support for Palestinian State; Rabbi Applauds Decision, Urges Christians to help Israel 'Keep God's Land'

JERUSALEM, Israel – Former President Donald Trump surprised many people both inside and outside of Israel recently when he came out against a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He’s the first U.S. leader in 30 years to do so. The 45th president, who said he favored a Palestinian state when he was in office, stated … Read more

Expert on depression, anxiety explains how struggling Christians can begin to find hope

(Photo: Unsplash/Samuel Martins) A Christian clinical psychologist stressed the need for churches to better understand depression and anxiety, especially among fellow believers.  Jason Jimenez, the founder of Stand Strong Ministries and faculty member at Summit Ministries, recently spoke with licensed clinical psychologist JoAnna Dias on his “Challenging Conversations” podcast, where she stressed the need to … Read more

Only 6% of self-professed Christians hold biblical worldview amid increasing syncretism in the US – survey

(Photo: Unsplash/Aaron Burden) Only 6% of Christians have a biblical worldview as many Americans embrace syncretism, according to a new survey. The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University released a new batch of research from the American Worldview Inventory 2024. The main takeaway from the report is that “the typical American adult is not a worldview … Read more

Christians in India face escalating attacks and disruptions

A 20-foot tall Jesus statue stands before it was demolished by the government in India’s Karnataka state in February 2022. (Photo: Screenshot/YouTube) In March and April 2024, India’s Christian minority community faced an escalating number of attacks, disruptions of religious gatherings, and legal cases across multiple states, highlighting the continued challenges to freedom of religion … Read more

High Court upholds right to decent burial for Christians in Chhattisgarh

(Photo: Pixabay) In a landmark ruling, the High Court of Chhattisgarh has upheld the right of religious minorities to bury their deceased according to their faith and traditions. The court directed authorities to hand over the body of a 54-year-old Christian man to his son to allow a burial in their native village with police … Read more

'Ask God for their protection': Demonstrators march through the rain to stand with persecuted Christians

Dozens marched at the fourth annual March for Martyrs in Washington, D.C. on April 27, 2024. (Photo: The Christian Post/Nicole Alcindor) Pouring rain didn’t stop demonstrators from marching in the United States’s capital, Washington, DC, on Saturday to stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians globally, with some asking why the American Church isn’t doing more … Read more

Human rights group calls for reforms to protect Christians in West Papua

(Photo: Unsplash/Jeremy Yap) The human rights group Christian Solidarity International has appealed to the U.N. Human Rights Council to ensure that the Muslim-majority nation of Indonesia implements immediate reforms to protect Christians in West Papua, a region located in the archipelago’s easternmost part, where indigenous people are predominantly Christian. The West Papuans face racial discrimination … Read more

Christians pray as India goes to the polls

(Photo: EFI) As the world’s second-most populous country prepares to vote, India’s Christians will be joining together in prayer and fasting as they ask for God’s guidance and protection in a nation that is increasingly hostile to their faith. Priya Sharma (name changed for security reasons), who partners with Open Doors International, a global NGO … Read more

Christians call for end to India's forced conversion laws

Burnt Bibles from the attacks on Christians in Manipur. (Photo: Open Doors) Release International, a UK-based Christian ministry, has used India’s national elections to renew calls for an end to anti-conversion laws, saying they have led to an increase in arrests of Christians and violence against believers. Almost a billion people will vote during India’s … Read more

Iran's attack on Israel did not deter Christians from visiting holy sites

(Photo: Unsplash/Christian Burri) Christian pilgrims and tourists continued to visit Holy sites this weekend despite the Iranian regime’s aerial assault against Israel, an attack that has heightened fears about existing regional tensions.  Over the weekend, Iran launched around 300 missiles and drones, including ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. According to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, the attack was … Read more