High Court Draft Ruling Animates Netanyahu's Opponents at Critical Time in War

JERUSALEM, Israel – Out of the blue late on Tuesday morning, the news came across the cellphone: Israel’s High Court had ruled unanimously that Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jewish Yeshiva students could no longer be exempt from the military draft. Presumably, the drafting of the Haredim could begin almost immediately. Within a few hours, the narrative among big … Read more

Church attacked in Telangana over land dispute; 21 Christians injured; 3 critical

(Photo: Pixabay) At least 21 Christians, including two children, were left injured on February 13, at Janwada village, Shankarpally mandal, Rangareddy district, Telangana following an attack on a Methodist Church by a mob led by Hindu right-wing members. The attack on the Methodist Church took place over a land dispute related to the widening of … Read more

With a Trained Eye on Islamists, Expert Says It's Critical to Know What They're Teaching

JERUSALEM, Israel – For 25 years, Yigal Carmon has been on the front line of a battle for the minds of generations in the Middle East and in Western nations.  A quarter-century ago, Carmon co-founded MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute. From his background in Israeli military intelligence, Carmon understood the need for people in … Read more