US Warns Hezbollah but Pushes for Diplomatic Solution; Ultra-Orthodox Draft Order Threatens Netanyahu Gov't

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel is facing rising pressures from outside and within today. As the Jewish state is simply looking to protect its people from daily rocket attacks, the U.S. is pushing for a diplomatic solution to the fighting between Lebanon-based Hezbollah and Israel before it turns into a full-blown war. Meanwhile,  Israel’s Supreme Court ruling … Read more

High Court Draft Ruling Animates Netanyahu's Opponents at Critical Time in War

JERUSALEM, Israel – Out of the blue late on Tuesday morning, the news came across the cellphone: Israel’s High Court had ruled unanimously that Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jewish Yeshiva students could no longer be exempt from the military draft. Presumably, the drafting of the Haredim could begin almost immediately. Within a few hours, the narrative among big … Read more