The African experience with Global Christian Forum: the vibrancy of faith, the vulnerability of colour

Fourth Global Gathering: “That the World May Know,” hosted by the Global Christian Forum (GCF). (Photo: Screenshot/Global Christian Forum) Inspiration from Accra Gathering The 4th Global Christian Forum (GCF) gathering in Accra, Ghana, from April 16-19, 2024, inspired this article. Rev. Dr. Casely B. Essamuah, Secretary to the Global Christian Forum, organised the event, anchoring … Read more

Author's Experience Living in Ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem Neighborhood Shattered Expectations

JERUSALEM, Israel – Author Tuvia Tenenbom’s new book, Careful, Beauties Ahead! My Year with the Ultra-Orthodox, is the story of life in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Israel. Tuvia and his wife Isi lived in the religious Jerusalem neighborhood of Mea Shearim for a year, and what they found surprised them. Tuvia is the son and grandson of ultra-Orthodox rabbis … Read more

Experience Holy Week in the Holy Land: These Are the Sites Where Jesus Walked During His Final Week

JERUSALEM, Israel – Most Christians know the Easter story well from what the gospels tell us about that earth-shattering week: Jesus came to Jerusalem, ate the Passover Seder with his disciples, was arrested and sentenced to death, crucified on a cross, then was resurrected from a garden tomb. In late 2022, my wife Susan and I … Read more

Ultra-Orthodox Filmmakers' Virtual Reality Project Presents Strong Auschwitz Experience for New Generation

JERUSALEM, Israel – A virtual reality film called Triumph of the Spirit is taking thousands of younger Israelis to the scene of the crime as they learn about the Holocaust. This tool comes at an important time, as surveys show fewer people know about this key part of history. One miracle described by the director of … Read more