Expert on depression, anxiety explains how struggling Christians can begin to find hope

(Photo: Unsplash/Samuel Martins) A Christian clinical psychologist stressed the need for churches to better understand depression and anxiety, especially among fellow believers.  Jason Jimenez, the founder of Stand Strong Ministries and faculty member at Summit Ministries, recently spoke with licensed clinical psychologist JoAnna Dias on his “Challenging Conversations” podcast, where she stressed the need to … Read more

With a Trained Eye on Islamists, Expert Says It's Critical to Know What They're Teaching

JERUSALEM, Israel – For 25 years, Yigal Carmon has been on the front line of a battle for the minds of generations in the Middle East and in Western nations.  A quarter-century ago, Carmon co-founded MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute. From his background in Israeli military intelligence, Carmon understood the need for people in … Read more