IDF Releases Footage of Youngest Hostage, Family as Israel Faces Criminal Court Case

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel released a video of the youngest Hamas-held hostage and his family on Monday, saying they are concerned for their well-being and calling on the world to demand their release, while the International Court of Justice continued with proceedings against Israel’s right to live in its biblical heartland. The Israel Defense Forces say they … Read more

No Agreement Yet on Hostages as IDF Releases Sinwar Footage; Rocket in Northern Israel Kills One

JERUSALEM, Israel – The word from the hostage talks in Cairo: no deal so far. Negotiators meeting in Egypt have failed until now to agree to a deal for the release of the remaining hostages. The stalemate comes as tensions in the region are increasing. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the U.S. is … Read more