Autism and the Image of God: How to be a welcoming community?

(Photo: Unsplash/Andrew Ebrahim) Our son Sam was the long-awaited answer to Jane’s prayers, fulfilling her desire for a brother. Born prematurely, Sam faced health challenges in his early days, spending several days in the intensive care unit as an infant. Despite doctors losing hope, continuous prayers from Sam’s sister and family granted him a new … Read more

'Ask God for their protection': Demonstrators march through the rain to stand with persecuted Christians

Dozens marched at the fourth annual March for Martyrs in Washington, D.C. on April 27, 2024. (Photo: The Christian Post/Nicole Alcindor) Pouring rain didn’t stop demonstrators from marching in the United States’s capital, Washington, DC, on Saturday to stand in solidarity with persecuted Christians globally, with some asking why the American Church isn’t doing more … Read more

Rabbi and Physics Prof. Both Point to Hand of God in Israel's Escape from Iranian Missile Onslaught

JERUSALEM, Israel – After Iran’s missile barrage last week against Israel, many people here who endured the explosions and sirens during the night were both relieved and stunned to learn that 99 percent of the more than 300 drones and missiles fired at them were shot down, and most did not even make it to Israeli airspace. … Read more

World's oldest man dies at 114, attributed long life to loving God

Juan Vicente Pérez Mora. (Photo: YouTube/Guinness World Records) The oldest man in the world, who died this week in Venezuela, attributed his longevity in part to his strong Catholic faith and love for God. Juan Vicente Pérez Mora, 114, died Tuesday in Táchira, Venezuela, just weeks shy of his 115th birthday, according to an announcement … Read more

10,000 Christians Cry Out to God in Lebanon: 'Louder Than the Blast of Bombs'

Deep in the capital of Lebanon, thousands of Christians recently gathered together to praise Jesus in a first-of-its-kind, one-night worship experience that organizers say became “a beacon of hope and joy” for the Middle East. “Beirut 2024” was an ecumenical musical event that brought together believers from different Christian faith traditions to worship God and … Read more

Thousands of Israelis Rally at Western Wall for ‘Prayer Warfare,’ Plead With God to Free Hostages

Thousands of Israelis flocked on Wednesday to the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem — a spiritually significant site for Jewish people — to “cry out, plead, and invoke heavenly mercy upon all of Israel,” particularly for those still held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. More than 50,000 people thronged the alleyways of the prayer … Read more

Though fearful, pastor in Madhya Pradesh finds courage in Word of God

(Photo: Unsplash/Rohit Raj) A pastor from the border territory of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh was arrested by the authorities on suspicion of performing forced conversions in the region.  On November 26, Pastor Gokhariya Solanki and a few churchgoers were worshipping in Aradhana Bhavan in the village of Garbedi in the Burhanpur district when about a … Read more

Our limitless God

(Photo: Unsplash/Jef Willemyns) The possibilities with God are limitless. Yet we can often limit God due to our human thinking. Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26) We first must dare to imagine the endless possibilities with God, we must be brave … Read more

Behind the Scenes: CBN Docudrama ‘Oracles of God’ Traces How God’s Word Became the Bible

JERUSALEM, Israel – CBN’s docudrama Oracles of God traces how the word of God became the Bible we read today. Tremendous work went into making this film, and CBN News went behind the scenes for a special look. We visited one of the many sets used in making Oracles of God, which was the set that recreated the historic moment … Read more