Historic Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem Facing Demolition in Luxury Hotel Dispute

JERUSALEM – Here in Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter, an ancient Christian community is fighting to protect its historic land. They’re resisting an attempt to put a hotel on property they’ve owned for centuries, and they believe the issue raises broader concerns for the Christian presence in the city.  The Armenian Quarter, with its ancient heritage, is … Read more

India's historic lunar success: Chandrayaan-3 lands at moon's south pole

(Photo: Unsplash/Mohit Sharma) India has achieved a historic feat by safely landing its spacecraft on the moon’s southern pole, making a big leap in space exploration. In a major accomplishment, India now stands as the fourth country ever to softly land on the moon, joining the ranks of the United States, the former Soviet Union … Read more

Historic Christian Organization in Israel Rejected for Clergy Visas

A major evangelical organization is concerned about its future in Israel. The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) is telling Israeli media the government has rejected its request for clergy visas on the grounds that it no longer qualifies as a “religious institution.” The ICEJ was established in 1980 as a registered Israeli non-profit organization with … Read more