Defense Minister Gallant Warns UN Chief: Iran is Urging Hezbollah Attack on Israel

JERUSALEM, Israel – Defense Minister Yoav Gallant was in New York Tuesday to deliver a warning to United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres: Iran is prodding its terror proxy in Lebanon to attack Israel’s northern border, and the UNIFIL peacekeeping troops in southern Lebanon should be empowered to prevent Hezbollah incursions. “The potential for escalation … Read more

Israel Authorities Say They'll 'Reevaluate' Blockage of Visas for ICEJ Clergy

JERUSALEM, Israel – The future of a major evangelical organization operating in Israel for more than 40 years could be threatened by government bureaucrats. That’s because its workers have been blocked from obtaining visas. The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem told Israeli media the government rejected their request for clergy visas because it determined the ICEJ no … Read more

Israel May Soon Uproot Ancient Christian Mosaic Linked to Armageddon, Send to Museum in US

An ancient Christian mosaic currently situated in a prison in Israel could soon find its way to the U.S. The Megiddo Mosaic, located in what was once a Roman-era village in northern Israel, is believed to be a remnant from the world’s earliest Christian prayer hall, according to The Associated Press. The Megiddo Mosaic could be … Read more

75 Years after the Holocaust, Israel to Sell Germany ‘Tools to Defend Itself’

Israel’s Ministry of Defense announced that Israel will sign a landmark $3.5 billion defense agreement with Germany – Israel’s largest defense deal ever. The U.S. State Department notified Israel’s defense establishment on Thursday that the U.S. government had approved its request for Germany to procure the Arrow-3 missile defense system from Israel. Israeli Prime Minister … Read more

Historic Christian Organization in Israel Rejected for Clergy Visas

A major evangelical organization is concerned about its future in Israel. The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) is telling Israeli media the government has rejected its request for clergy visas on the grounds that it no longer qualifies as a “religious institution.” The ICEJ was established in 1980 as a registered Israeli non-profit organization with … Read more

Israel Could Face Iran on Its Own After U.S. Releases Billions of Dollars for American Detainees

JERUSALEM, Israel –The recent deal between the United States and Iran has been described as the highest ransom ever paid for American hostages.  That’s because Iran will get six billion dollars in frozen assets and prisoners in exchange for five American detainees.  The US State Department maintains those assets, held in South Korea, can only … Read more

How Close Is Saudi Recognition of Israel? Netanyahu Can 'Taste' It

In a major development for the Middle East, Israel and Saudi Arabia are taking steps toward possibly normalizing relations.  Israeli officials were set to hold meetings this week at the White House after the U.S. and Saudi Arabia reportedly agreed to a broad outline for a deal in which Saudi Arabia would recognize Israel.  But the … Read more

Israeli Archaeologists Uncover the Oldest City Gate in Israel

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has uncovered an ancient, monumental city gate during an excavation. The 5,500-year-old gate is the oldest known gate found in the Land of Israel and according to archaeologists represents the “beginning of urbanization.” “This is the first time that such a large gate dating to the Early Bronze (Age) has been uncovered,” … Read more

Seoul Summit Seeks to Draw Israel, South Korea Closer Together

SEOUL, South Korea – Israel and South Korea share a similar history, as both were founded in 1948 and both have become economic and political powers. There are also efforts underway to form a closer future between the two countries. At the Korean Israel One Summit known as KION, a new venture was designed to bring these two nations … Read more

Black Americans Stand for Israel, Honor Martin Luther King's Legacy in Jerusalem on Street Named for Him

JERUSALEM, Israel – Last week, several hundred African-Americans came to Jerusalem to march down Martin Luther King Street, the city’s tribute to the U.S. civil rights leader. The participants wanted to both honor King’s love of Israel and to show they’re carrying it forward.   Dr. King and his wife visited Israel in 1959, and he had … Read more