Proposed religious discrimination laws proving unpopular in Australia

(Photo: Unsplash) Queensland’s Labor state government has signalled that it may be preparing to walk back its hardline position on religious discrimination law amendments as it faces an increasingly difficult battle to retain power in the upcoming state election. With sources indicating there is a growing feeling with the party that it cannot afford to be drawn … Read more

Christians call for end to India's forced conversion laws

Burnt Bibles from the attacks on Christians in Manipur. (Photo: Open Doors) Release International, a UK-based Christian ministry, has used India’s national elections to renew calls for an end to anti-conversion laws, saying they have led to an increase in arrests of Christians and violence against believers. Almost a billion people will vote during India’s … Read more

Calls for end to India's anti-conversion laws after hundreds of Christians arrested

(Photo: Unsplash/Arihant Daga) There have been calls for India to do more to protect the religious freedom of minority faiths after reports that hundreds of Christians have been arrested under controversial anti-conversion laws. UCA News reports that 398 Christians – mostly Protestant pastors and church members – have been arrested in the state of Uttar … Read more