Modi's controversial remarks: Gandhi's legacy and cinematic influence

(Photo: Unsplash/Raghavendra V. Konkathi) In a recent interview, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stirred controversy by suggesting that Mahatma Gandhi – the Father of the Nation and India’s revered leader, was relatively unknown on the global stage until the release of Richard Attenborough’s acclaimed film “Gandhi” in 1982. Speaking during the ongoing 2024 Lok Sabha Elections, … Read more

Rediscovering Ângela Trindade: Kamayani Sharma unearths the overlooked legacy of a Christian Indian art pioneer

Profile image of Angela Trindade from page 261 of the book Shilpkar Charitrakosh Volume 6 – Visual Arts, 2013. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons/This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license) In a recently published article in, Kamayani Sharma unveils the remarkable life and artistry of ngela Trindade, an Indian painter … Read more

Mike Pence bows out of 2024 Presidential Race, citing uphill battle against Trump legacy

President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. August 22, 2017. (Photo: Unsplash/History in HD) Mike Pence, former vice president under Donald Trump, has officially withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race. Pence conceded that he faced a daunting challenge in convincing Republican voters that he could outshine his former boss as a contender. Speaking … Read more

Black Americans Stand for Israel, Honor Martin Luther King's Legacy in Jerusalem on Street Named for Him

JERUSALEM, Israel – Last week, several hundred African-Americans came to Jerusalem to march down Martin Luther King Street, the city’s tribute to the U.S. civil rights leader. The participants wanted to both honor King’s love of Israel and to show they’re carrying it forward.   Dr. King and his wife visited Israel in 1959, and he had … Read more