From Darkness to Light: The Journey of a Nazi's Grandson to Blessing Holocaust Survivors

German-born Alexander Dietze learned about Germany’s history and the Holocaust in school, but it wasn’t discussed at home. Raised in a secular household, he became a Christian in his early 20s.  Years later, an abrupt awakening came when his grandfather offered him Nazi SS medals as part of their family heritage. This moment spurred Alexander … Read more

Christian prayer meeting in Indore gets green light from SC after local authorities revoked permit

Central Wing of the Supreme Court of India where the Chief Justice’s courtroom is situated. (Photo: Subhashish Panigrahi/Wikimedia Commons) In a significant ruling, the Supreme Court of India has allowed a Christian prayer meeting to proceed in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, after local authorities had withdrawn permission for the event, citing potential law and order issues. … Read more

The light of Easter for India's democracy

(Photo: Unsplash/Graphic Gears) “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5) As Indian Christians celebrate the sacred occasion of Easter, we are reminded that even the darkest hours cannot extinguish the brilliance of truth and righteousness. This truth must inspire and fortify us as we approach a pivotal … Read more

Hanukkah: Celebrating Light, Life, and Miracles in the Midst of War

COMMENTARY What do you think of when you think of Hanukkah? Maybe children receiving small gifts for each of the eight nights of the holiday. Or eating latkes and jelly donuts. Or lighting the menorah. The menorah, of course, is the eight-branched candelabrum that we light during Hanukkah to symbolize one of the great miracles … Read more

As Christmas Decorations Go Dark in Bethlehem, Pastor Shines Light of Jesus with Tent Display

BETHLEHEM – While the war between Israel and Hamas is focused in Gaza, its impact is expanding and is now affecting the birthplace of Jesus at a key time of year. Christmas won’t be celebrated as usual in Bethlehem. The city’s municipality announced the traditional Christmas decorations in Manger Squiare will not be put up in … Read more