New Israeli Museum Honors Jewish Fighting Spirit, Victories During World War II and Israel's Independence

LATRUN, Israel – A new museum near Jerusalem aims to honor and expand the Jewish story of World War II. The result turns that story from one of victimhood to victory. A talking time elevator plays a film that recounts the story of that era: “From the start of the war til its end, the Germans and their … Read more

Israel May Soon Uproot Ancient Christian Mosaic Linked to Armageddon, Send to Museum in US

An ancient Christian mosaic currently situated in a prison in Israel could soon find its way to the U.S. The Megiddo Mosaic, located in what was once a Roman-era village in northern Israel, is believed to be a remnant from the world’s earliest Christian prayer hall, according to The Associated Press. The Megiddo Mosaic could be … Read more