World's oldest man dies at 114, attributed long life to loving God

Juan Vicente Pérez Mora. (Photo: YouTube/Guinness World Records) The oldest man in the world, who died this week in Venezuela, attributed his longevity in part to his strong Catholic faith and love for God. Juan Vicente Pérez Mora, 114, died Tuesday in Táchira, Venezuela, just weeks shy of his 115th birthday, according to an announcement … Read more

Israeli Archaeologists Uncover the Oldest City Gate in Israel

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has uncovered an ancient, monumental city gate during an excavation. The 5,500-year-old gate is the oldest known gate found in the Land of Israel and according to archaeologists represents the “beginning of urbanization.” “This is the first time that such a large gate dating to the Early Bronze (Age) has been uncovered,” … Read more