Warnings of persecution in Hong Kong on Tiananmen anniversary

(Photo: Unsplash/Alejandro Luengo) The persecution of Christians in mainland China is spreading to Hong Kong, Release International has warned on the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. The massacre in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on 4 June 1989 brought a brutal end to pro-democracy protests and marked an increase in the persecution of Christians. Release … Read more

Persecution expected to rise in 2024

(Photo: Pixabay) Persecution against Christians is expected to rise in several countries in the coming year, according to Release International. The organisation’s new Persecution Trends report, released this week, warns of an intensfication of persecution in a number of countries, including Nigeria, India, Pakistan and China in 2024. Nigeria has suffered one of its worst … Read more

Calls for prayer as Christian persecution increases

(Photo: Unsplash/Jeremy Yap) Churches in the UK and Ireland are being asked to pray as persecution continues to grow worldwide. The call has been made by Release International ahead of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP).  Churches are being invited to use Sunday 5 November or another Sunday in November to … Read more

A pastor's unwavering faith amidst persecution in Uttar Pradesh

Pastor Shriram’s house church. (Photo: Pastor Shriram) Police in Uttar Pradesh reprimanded a pastor for the fourth time on September 24 based on allegations of forced conversions made by Hindu extremists after he was arrested twice and faced court proceedings for similar allegations earlier.  “The most they can do is put us in jail, what … Read more

Christian persecution dramatically increased since last year: UCF report

(Photo: EFI) Since January of this year, 525 violent incidents against Christians have been documented in 23 different states in India, according to United Christian Forum (UCF). Compared to the total of 505 instances for the prior year, it is much higher. According to a statement issued on September 7 by UCF, June had the … Read more