Christians pray as India goes to the polls

(Photo: EFI) As the world’s second-most populous country prepares to vote, India’s Christians will be joining together in prayer and fasting as they ask for God’s guidance and protection in a nation that is increasingly hostile to their faith. Priya Sharma (name changed for security reasons), who partners with Open Doors International, a global NGO … Read more

Christians, Jews Become 'Prayer Shields' Following Bible's Directive to Pray for Peace of Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, Israel – In Psalm 122, the Bible commands believers to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and one group has taken the lead to increase worldwide prayer for what the Bible calls “the city of the great King.” For the last 19 years, the Eagles Wings organization has mobilized Christians and Jews to fulfill … Read more

Coalition of Messianic Israelis, Evangelical Christians Seeks 1 Million People to Pray for Israel During Yom Kippur

JERUSALEM, Israel –  Messianic Israelis have joined international Christian groups in a call for 1 million people to pray one hour for Israel as Jews around the world mark Yom Kippur with fasting and prayer on the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.  Yom Kippur begins Sunday evening, September 24th, and continues until an hour after sunset on Monday, … Read more

United to Pray for India, a year-long prayer movement launched on Independence Day

(Photo: UTPFI) Christians from all around India came together online to create “United to Pray for India” (UTPFI), a movement to pray for the country for a year from August 15, 2023, to August 15, 2024, on its 77th Independence Day. UTPFI is an interdenominational initiative without any organisation or Church banners but has representation … Read more