Proposed religious discrimination laws proving unpopular in Australia

(Photo: Unsplash) Queensland’s Labor state government has signalled that it may be preparing to walk back its hardline position on religious discrimination law amendments as it faces an increasingly difficult battle to retain power in the upcoming state election. With sources indicating there is a growing feeling with the party that it cannot afford to be drawn … Read more

Chhattisgarh's proposed anti-conversion bill stokes controversy

(Photo: Pixabay) The Chhattisgarh government’s plans to introduce a new anti-conversion bill have sparked intense debate and raised concerns about religious freedom and communal harmony in the state. The proposed legislation seeks to extend the provisions of the existing Chhattisgarh Dharma Swatantrya Adhiniyam of 1968, with more stringent measures aimed at curbing fraudulent religious conversions. … Read more