Trump Pulls Support for Palestinian State; Rabbi Applauds Decision, Urges Christians to help Israel 'Keep God's Land'

JERUSALEM, Israel – Former President Donald Trump surprised many people both inside and outside of Israel recently when he came out against a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He’s the first U.S. leader in 30 years to do so. The 45th president, who said he favored a Palestinian state when he was in office, stated … Read more

Rabbi and Physics Prof. Both Point to Hand of God in Israel's Escape from Iranian Missile Onslaught

JERUSALEM, Israel – After Iran’s missile barrage last week against Israel, many people here who endured the explosions and sirens during the night were both relieved and stunned to learn that 99 percent of the more than 300 drones and missiles fired at them were shot down, and most did not even make it to Israeli airspace. … Read more

Rabbi urges Christians, Jews to work together: ‘We have more in common than what divides’

(Photo: Unsplash/Anton Mislawsky) Rabbi Tuly Weisz, the founder of Israel 365, believes it’s time in the prophetic biblical timeline for Jews and Christians to work together. Weisz has devoted much of his work at Israel 365 to forging a relationship between Christians and Jews and sharing the significance of Israel throughout the Bible and God’s love for … Read more