Christian man freed in rare blasphemy acquittal in Pakistan after accuser admits to false allegations over property dispute

(Photo: Pixabay) Younis Bhatti, a 72-year-old Christian resident of Faisalabad, Pakistan, who was arrested under Pakistan’s strict blasphemy law on February 10, has been released two days after arrest in a rare turn of events. This development comes after his accuser, Sosan Fatima, admitted to fabricating allegations against him in retaliation for a property dispute. … Read more

Rare Byzantine-Era Discovery Points to Early Church Built on Temple Mount Before Muslim Invasion

The recent discovery of two Byzantine-era coin weights is pointing to the possibility of a Christian presence on the Temple Mount before the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem in the seventh century, according to an archeological research journal.  The Temple Mount Sifting Project announced last week the discovery of two unique Byzantine coin weights, both of … Read more

Rare Ancient Silver Coin found During Dig in Hills Near Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israeli archaeologists working at a dig in the Judean Hills outside Jerusalem have found a very rare ancient silver coin more than 2,500 years old. The coin is from the First Temple period (Solomon’s Temple), 2,550 years ago, during the Persian rule of King Cyrus. It was discovered during an excavation sponsored by the … Read more

'Jesus Christ, Guard Me': 2 Rare Ancient Inscriptions Found at Fort in Judean Desert, Including Psalm 86

Two archaeologists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have announced their team uncovered a rare inscription in Greek from the Byzantine period that paraphrases the first two verses of Psalm 86 from the Bible’s Old Testament book of Psalms.  The discovery was made at Horkania Fort, an isolated archaeological site in the Judean Desert.  In … Read more