Pope Francis rips those who oppose blessing same-sex couples: ‘hypocrisy’

(Photo: Ashwin Vaswani/Unsplash) Pope Francis is accusing those opposed to the Vatican’s declaration allowing priests to bless same-sex couples of hypocrisy as the Holy See continues to face blowback over that decision.  The pontiff spoke with the Italian weekly magazine Credere for an interview that will be published in the Feb. 8 issue of the … Read more

Vatican breaks ground with blessings for same-sex couples

(Photo: Ashwin Vaswani/Unsplash) In an exceptional move, Pope Francis has ushered in a new era for the Catholic Church by opening the door to blessings for same-sex couples. This historic development was sealed with a landmark ruling on December 18, permitting Roman Catholic priests to bestow blessings upon same-sex couples under carefully delineated circumstances. The … Read more

Dozens of bishops back same-sex marriages for priests

(Photo: Unsplash/Tomas Robertson) UK: Dozens of bishops have signed a public statement saying that pastoral guidance should be issued to allow priests to enter into same-sex marriages.  The statement, published in Church Times, has been signed by 44 bishops, 15 diocesan and 29 suffragan. Among them are the Bishop of Bristol, Vivienne Faull, the Bishop of … Read more