Christian service shines in India's mental health journey

(Photo: Jon Tyson/Unsplash) Through an interview published online on December 15, Religion Unplugged illuminated the integral role Christian groups undertake in grappling with India’s mental health challenges. In the heart of Delhi, Nitin Kumar, a 22-year-old student, faced the darkest chapter of his life during the second wave of the pandemic—losing both parents. The ensuing … Read more

As Christmas Decorations Go Dark in Bethlehem, Pastor Shines Light of Jesus with Tent Display

BETHLEHEM – While the war between Israel and Hamas is focused in Gaza, its impact is expanding and is now affecting the birthplace of Jesus at a key time of year. Christmas won’t be celebrated as usual in Bethlehem. The city’s municipality announced the traditional Christmas decorations in Manger Squiare will not be put up in … Read more