'The Canary in the Coal Mine': Netanyahu Warns US Antisemitism Signals Impending Global Inferno

With outrageous antisemitic, anti-Israel protests spreading like a virus on U.S. college campuses, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stepped into the gap to condemn the surge of dangerous rhetoric and threats. Here’s the full text of his speech that was delivered on Wednesday evening in Israel as the Jewish people celebrate Passover in the middle … Read more

Iran Signals Escalated Fighting in North as State Dept Urges Ramadan 'Religious Freedom' on Temple Mount

JERUSALEM, Israel – Fighting between Hezbollah and Israel intensified Thursday with fears of a wider war in the near future. That conflict may include Iranian-backed forces in Syria and Iraq.  The Syrian government accused Israel of major attacks in and around Damascus Wednesday. One building reportedly served as the headquarters of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in … Read more