Police officer told Christian singer she couldn't sing church songs on Oxford Street

The volunteer officer was filmed sticking her tongue out to the camera when she was pressed on her claim that it was not permitted to sing church songs outside of church grounds. (Photo: YouTube Screenshot/HarmonieLondon) A volunteer police officer should be “struck off” after wrongly telling a Christian singer on London’s Oxford Street that she … Read more

Christian teaching assistant wins £7,000 payout over sacking for street preaching

Andy Nix. A Christian teaching assistant who was sacked after street preaching has won a £7,000 settlement. Andy Nix, 65, was sacked without notice by Temple Moor High School in Leeds after he took part in street preaching in the city centre in July 2021.  In March 2022, he was called to the headteacher’s office … Read more

Black Americans Stand for Israel, Honor Martin Luther King's Legacy in Jerusalem on Street Named for Him

JERUSALEM, Israel – Last week, several hundred African-Americans came to Jerusalem to march down Martin Luther King Street, the city’s tribute to the U.S. civil rights leader. The participants wanted to both honor King’s love of Israel and to show they’re carrying it forward.   Dr. King and his wife visited Israel in 1959, and he had … Read more