Revival of faith, spiritual questioning among Gen Zers in the UK: study

(Photo: Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez) A new study reveals a significant shift in religious attitudes among Gen Zers in the United Kingdom, those born in 1997 or later, suggesting a potential revival of faith and increased spiritual questioning. The research found that individuals aged 18-24 exhibit higher levels of religiosity than any other age group. The study … Read more

Christians face harassment in over 160 countries as restrictions reach record levels: Pew study

(Photo: EFI) In an alarming trend, Christians experienced harassment in 160 countries in 2021, according to a comprehensive study of 190 countries published by the Pew Research Center, which revealed that government restrictions on religion also reached an all-time high. The study, which is part of the Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures project, showed that both government … Read more

Americans who attend church online read the Bible more than those who attend in person: study

(Photo: Unsplash/Jesus Loves Austin) Americans who attend church services online may be more likely to read the Bible at least once a week than those who go to in-person services, according to the findings of a survey.  The American Bible Society released the seventh chapter of its State of the Bible USA 2023report Thursday, titled “Bible Use … Read more

Practicing Christians more likely to be 'spiritually open' than non-Christians, study finds

As America’s religious landscape grows more syncretic and the po (Photo: Unsplash/Stefan Kunze) pulation’s connection to Christianity continues to weaken, data from a recent Barna study shows that practicing Christians are more spiritually “open” or interested in exploring other spiritual traditions than non-Christians or Christians who don’t practice their faith. In its “Spiritually Open” project based on … Read more

Raising young people in faith takes more than parents, study finds

(Photo: Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez) A new study from the University of Georgia (UGA) has underlined the important role that engaged congregations and strong faith communities play in helping with the spiritual development of children. However, it has also shown that the sense of belonging these foster could play a vital role in helping determine whether … Read more

Half of Gen Zers says their life was 'transformed' by the Bible's message: study

(Photo: Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez) A new report reveals that while younger generations of Americans are less religious and engaged with the Bible than their older counterparts, roughly half of them credit the Bible’s message for transforming their lives. The latest chapter of the American Bible Society’s State of the Bible USA 2023 report, released Thursday, focuses on … Read more

Americans placing more emphasis on hobbies, money and community, less on religion: study

(Photo: Unsplash/Wonderlane) As the value Americans place on religion has declined over the last two decades, an increasing share of society now ranks community activities, hobbies or recreational activities, money, friends and health as extremely or very important priorities in their lives, while family maintained its rank as the highest priority of all, the results … Read more