Kuki-Zo community in Manipur rallies for separate union territory amid ongoing crisis

ITLF flier. (Photo: ITLF) In a significant development amidst the prolonged crisis in Manipur, the Indigenous Tribal Leaders’ Forum (ITLF) has announced a rally to press for their political demands. The announcement, made through a press release on 20 June 2024 comes as the state continues to grapple with ethnic tensions and violence that have … Read more

EXCLUSIVE: Lebanese Christians Inside Hezbollah Territory Say They Want No War with Israel

Klayaa, South Lebanon – Israel and Hezbollah terrorists are teetering on the brink of full-scale war. The border area between Israel and Lebanon sees almost daily rocket attacks and air strikes.   While much of northern Israel is evacuated, Christians in south Lebanon brace for an unwanted conflict and worry about their future in the … Read more