'Iran Marches Across the Middle East': Threat to US and Allies Escalates as Ramadan Nears

CAPITOL HILL – The Iranian threat hovers over tensions in the Middle East as the hardline Islamic regime continues to fund proxies in the region. Senators on the Foreign Relations Committee put the issue front and center this week. Members of the committee heard from experts about the ongoing threat Iran poses. Iran remains a … Read more

'Every Day I Was Crying': Israelis Evacuate Northern Border Amid Escalating Hezbollah Threat

JERUSALEM – While Israel is battling Hamas every day in Gaza, they’re also facing a major challenge from ongoing rocket attacks by Hezbollah on the northern border. Roughly 80,000 Israelis have had to evacuate, and many are wondering when they will be able to go home again. Kibbutz Yiftah sits only two kilometers from the … Read more

Future of Christians in Syria and Lebanon under threat

(Photo: Unsplash/Levi Meir Clancy) A “mass exodus” of “desperate” Christians from Syria and Lebanon is threatening the future presence of the faith in the two countries, a church leader has warned. The 2023 Religious Freedom in the World Report by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) shows how the Christian population in Syria fell … Read more