Russian Orthodox Church leader declares Ukraine invasion a ‘holy war'

(Photo: Unsplash/LifeinKyiv) The World Russian People’s Council, led by Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill, has labeled President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as a “holy” endeavor, seemingly aiming to bring the region under Russian dominion. The declaration frames the war as a key moment in Russia’s battle against the “criminal Kiev regime” and Western “Satanism,” … Read more

Christian leaders 'killed, tortured and disappeared' in occupied Ukraine

(Photo: Unsplash/Markus Spiske) Christian leaders are being “killed, tortured and disappeared” in parts of Ukraine that are occupied by Russia, a Christian religious freedom charity has said.  Paul Robinson, CEO of Release International, said, “As President Putin begins his fifth term our partners describe growing pressure on the Church.”  Partners report that in February, 59-year-old … Read more

Evangelical Christian imprisoned in Russia for refusing to fight in Ukraine

Vyacheslav Reznichenko with his wife and four-month-old child. (Photo: Telegram) An evangelical Christian has been imprisoned in Russia because of his refusal to fight in Ukraine on religious grounds.  Vyacheslav Reznichenko, from Zarubino, eastern Russia, has been sentenced to two years and six months in a penal colony, reports CNE.  Several attempts to appeal the sentence have … Read more

Ukraine changes date of Christmas

(Photo: Unsplash) In a landmark legislative move, Ukraine has shifted the date of its official Christmas celebration from January 7 to December 25, stepping away from the traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church, allied with Putin’s regime, and in a bid to “live their own life with their own traditions (and) holidays.” The Ukrainian parliament … Read more

Ukraine bishop's desperate struggle to help thousands fleeing war zone

Some of the emergency aid provided to the Diocese of Mukachevo in Ukraine. (Photo: Aid to the Church in Need) A bishop in western Ukraine says he is struggling to help the hundreds of thousands of people who have fled to his part of the country since the start of the Russian invasion.  Bishop Mykola … Read more