Forced marriage of Christian women becoming 'concerningly common' worldwide: Open Doors

(Photo: Unsplash) In a sobering yet vital recognition ahead of International Women’s Day, persecution watchdog Open Doors has released its annual Gender Report, revealing that forced marriage is becoming a “concerningly common practice” impacting Christian women worldwide.  The 2024 Gender Report, compiled by Open Doors’ global research team, draws attention to the marginalization of Christian women who … Read more

Abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2023

(Photo: Unsplash/Maria Oswalt) Abortion has topped several infectious diseases as the world’s leading cause of death for at least the fifth year in a row, even though multiple abortion restrictions have gone into place at the state level following the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade. Statistics compiled by Worldometer, a database that tracks quantitative … Read more