Biden Aid Package for Gaza Spurs Controversy, British PM Next to Visit Israel

JERUSALEM, Israel – On his way back to the U.S. from Israel, President Biden said Egypt’s president agreed to open the Gaza border for humanitarian aid supplies to cross.

Before he left Israel, Biden pledged $100 million to Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

“Let me be clear,” he said. “If Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, it will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people. And it will end, as a practical matter. I will stop the international community from being able to provide this aid.”

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) criticized the president’s decision, saying, “We got a president that wants to give money to Gazans? Give me a break. And by the way, go look at the videos. There’s pictures of these terrorists with humanitarian first aid kits.”

Scott continued, “There’s pictures all over the Israeli press about (it). But these rice bags with bullets in it–alright. So this is a humanitarian effort, right? So, there’s no way Hamas doesn’t get this money. This is, this is stupid.”

The president also pledged an “unprecedented support package for Israel’s defense.”

Following Biden’s visit, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with his war cabinet as the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) continued to strike Hamas terrorists and their infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu also addressed the plight of the Israeli hostages, including Americans, whose number now stands at 203.

“Regarding the abductees, I clarified three things to President Biden: first, I demanded the return of the abductees, and we are working together to return them in any way possible,” Netanyahu stated. “Second, until they are returned, we demand visits by the Red Cross to our abductees. Third, we will not allow humanitarian aid of food and medicine from our territory to the Gaza Strip.”

The prime minister also said he presented conclusive evidence that Israel did not strike the hospital in Gaza Tuesday night.

The White House National Security Council released its own analysis, saying, quote, “Our current assessment it that Israel is not responsible for the explosion in Gaza.”

On Thursday, the I.D.F. produced more visual evidence that the explosion at the Gaza hospital parking lot was the result of a failed rocket fired by Islamic Jihad. The I.D.F. says all information coming out of Gaza is controlled by Hamas.

I.D.F. Spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari charged Wednesday, “Last night, when Hamas announced that Israel attacked a hospital in Gaza, too many people around the world not only believed them, but amplified Hamas lies. Open your eyes and see the true face of Hamas.”

Despite Israel’s evidence, news of the hospital strike sparked violent protests at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, in the West Bank and in other cities.

Meanwhile, the U.K. Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, arrived Thursday to show support for Israel, while Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi called for nations to sever ties with the Jewish state.

“The Iranian people, the Muslim community around the globe, and all liberated people want political ties with the Zionist regime to be severed promptly, its ambassadors expelled and its embassies closed.”

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