Doctor Reveals 'Miracles,' Acts of Bravery That Saved Lives During Hamas' Deadly Terror Attack on Israel

A medical doctor saving lives following Hamas’ deadly Oct. 7 assault on Israel recently detailed some of the miraculous moments he’s seen in the one month since the terror attack killed 1,400 and left thousands injured.

Listen to them on the latest episode of “Quick Start”

Dr. Yoram Klein, director of trauma and critical care surgery at Sheba Medical Center, told Fox News contributor Dr. Marc Siegel several powerful stories. One involved a young couple with a 2-year-old child who are all in serious condition — but their survival amid the unthinkable feels miraculous.

“The worst burn patients we have here are young parents with a 2-year-old child,” Klein said, explaining how the family hid in their shelter when the attack began. “The mother is a physician; they shut themselves in the protected area, in the protected room.”

With Hamas terrorists unable to penetrate the room, they decided to set the family’s home on fire, using a gas canister to create a bigger inferno.

The family could have quickly burned to death, but found a way out of the unthinkable.

“They put the baby between them and hugged each other with the baby between their bodies and crawled through the window and hid in a truck,” Klein told Siegel. “And, luckily, they survived and were able to be evacuated to Sheba.”

Siegel recounted another story from the doctor about a brave father who saved his family members’ lives. The dad, named Amichai, joined his wife and six children in their shelter when the Hamas attack began. He held the door with his hands, sustaining severe injuries when Hamas tried to shoot into the door.

But Amichai, who ended up with facial, chest, and head injuries — and lost one of his hands — protected his family, as the terrorists eventually gave up and moved on.

“He just held the door and absorbed all the munitions and gunfire they were aiming at opening the door, and they failed, and they just figured out that they are wasting too much time here and went to find families that were easier to kill,” Klein said. “This cost him severe injuries, but he saved his family.”

Read more of Klein’s powerful miracle accounts over at Fox News here. And please continue to pray for the victims and those recovering from their wounds.

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