Ancient book containing earliest versions of 2 books of the Bible up for auction

The 136-page Crosby-Schøyen Codex, the oldest known book in private hands, was written between the middle of the third century and the beginning of the fourth century. (Photo: Screengrab/Christie’s) An ancient manuscript containing the oldest complete versions of two significant Biblical texts — the book of Jonah and 1 Peter — is being auctioned at … Read more

Levitical Choir Sings New, Ancient Psalms in Preparation for Rebuilt Temple

JERUSALEM, Israel – A unique Jewish choir sang psalms in Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter during Passover to draw people closer to God. The choir, singing in Jerusalem’s Old City, is looking forward to the day when the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt. The Levitical choir is part of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, which focuses on establishing … Read more

Unusual Ancient Stone Box from City of David on Display, a ‘Distinctly Jerusalem Find’

JERUSALEM, Israel — The antiquities parade continues in Jerusalem‘s city of David, where the Israel Antiquities Authority has just put on public display an unusual stone box from the time of the Second Temple nearly 2,000 years ago. The box, to be featured at Jerusalem‘s Israel Museum, looks like an ancient limestone waffle, measuring almost … Read more

Rare Ancient Silver Coin found During Dig in Hills Near Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israeli archaeologists working at a dig in the Judean Hills outside Jerusalem have found a very rare ancient silver coin more than 2,500 years old. The coin is from the First Temple period (Solomon’s Temple), 2,550 years ago, during the Persian rule of King Cyrus. It was discovered during an excavation sponsored by the … Read more

Jonathan Cahn Says Ancient Biblical Mystery Foretold Hamas Invasion: 'What the Bible Says Is True'

Best-selling author Jonathan Cahn reveals that a Biblical promise from the Old Testament foretold of the Hamas invasion of Israel that took place on October 7. Cahn, a U.S.-based Messianic Jewish minister, recently shared on YouTube that the night before the invasion he felt led to share God’s instructions to Moses about the Jubilee noted … Read more

'Jesus Christ, Guard Me': 2 Rare Ancient Inscriptions Found at Fort in Judean Desert, Including Psalm 86

Two archaeologists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have announced their team uncovered a rare inscription in Greek from the Byzantine period that paraphrases the first two verses of Psalm 86 from the Bible’s Old Testament book of Psalms.  The discovery was made at Horkania Fort, an isolated archaeological site in the Judean Desert.  In … Read more

Archaeologist Excited by Recent Finds in Ancient Shiloh, Biblical Site of Ark, Tabernacle

SHILOH, Samaria – Several years ago, CBN News first reported on exciting discoveries from the excavation site at ancient Shiloh. The book of Judges in the Bible tells us Shiloh was a significant place in the history of the Israelites when they came into the Promised Land. Today, more discoveries are emerging from the archaeological site … Read more

Israel May Soon Uproot Ancient Christian Mosaic Linked to Armageddon, Send to Museum in US

An ancient Christian mosaic currently situated in a prison in Israel could soon find its way to the U.S. The Megiddo Mosaic, located in what was once a Roman-era village in northern Israel, is believed to be a remnant from the world’s earliest Christian prayer hall, according to The Associated Press. The Megiddo Mosaic could be … Read more

'Spectacular' ancient mosaic of Samson discovered by archaeologists

(Photo: UNC-Chapel Hill) Excavations at a 1,600-year-old Jewish synagogue have uncovered “spectacular” mosaics of Samson and biblical stories.  The discovery was made at the site of a synagogue in the ancient Jewish village of Huqoq, in Israel’s Lower Galilee, where archaeologists have been digging since 2011.  The mosaic panel depicts biblical stories, including Samson and the … Read more