Easter attack aid controversy: former Sri Lankan president challenges church leader

Christians pray in the streets in Sri Lanka. (Photo: Release International) In 2019, Sri Lanka was shaken by a series of Easter Sunday suicide bombings that killed over 270 people, including 11 Indians. The attacks, carried out by the local Islamist extremist group National Thawheed Jamaat (NTJ) linked to ISIS, targeted three churches and three … Read more

Jerry Seinfeld Breaks Down While Recalling Emotional Trip to Israel After October 7 Attack

Comedian and actor Jerry Seinfeld was overwhelmed with emotion Tuesday when he recalled his trip to Israel in the wake of the Oct. 7 attack against the Jewish state and the subsequent anti-Israel protests breaking out across the U.S., including at Duke University in North Carolina, where he delivered the commencement address earlier this month. … Read more

Three American Christian missionaries killed in Haiti gang attack

The group had been returning from a visit to an orphanage near Port-au-Prince. (Photo: Unsplash/Robin Canfield) A married American missionary couple and another staff member from an Oklahoma-based Christian group were shot dead by gang members in Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince on Thursday, May 23, in a brutal attack that has intensified calls for international intervention … Read more

Israel Pursues 'Critical' Rafah Battle, Defends against Legal Attack as Gaza Aid Pier Nears Completion

JERUSALEM, Israel – From the battleground in Gaza to the legal battles at The Hague, Israel is fighting on multiple fronts. Still, Israel is finding allies on Capitol Hill and among Christian leaders.    Despite international condemnation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told soldiers that Israel’s operation into Rafah – the last major stronghold of Hamas … Read more

Biden's Ultimatum: US Threatens to Withhold Arms if Israel Mounts Full-Scale Rafah Attack

President Joe Biden says Israel must choose between advancing its battle against the last Hamas stronghold in Rafah and receiving weapons from the U.S. In an interview with CNN, President Biden said he wouldn’t supply weapons to Israel if it goes into Rafah.  “We’re going to continue to make sure Israel is secure in terms … Read more

Iran's attack on Israel did not deter Christians from visiting holy sites

(Photo: Unsplash/Christian Burri) Christian pilgrims and tourists continued to visit Holy sites this weekend despite the Iranian regime’s aerial assault against Israel, an attack that has heightened fears about existing regional tensions.  Over the weekend, Iran launched around 300 missiles and drones, including ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. According to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, the attack was … Read more

'A Sign of the End Times': Greg Laurie Says Iran's Attack on Israel Was Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy

Evangelist and pastor Greg Laurie says he believes Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel last week was a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. As CBN News reported from our Jerusalem Bureau, rocket sirens, and booms were heard across Israel early Sunday morning after Iran launched a massive, wide-scale aerial assault that threatened to push the Middle East … Read more

Israel's War Cabinet Weighs Counter-Strike for Iran Missile Attack as White House Pushes Diplomacy

JERUSALEM, Israel – Following the biggest drone and missile attack in history, Israel is deciding how to respond to Iran’s strike that launched more than 300 projectiles over the weekend.  The question is whether Israel will counter-attack, or whether allies, especially the U.S., will succeed in restraining Israel’s military response. Firing drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise … Read more

WATCH LIVE UPDATE: Biden Says US Won't Aid Israeli Counter-Attack After Iran's Massive Attack

JERUSALEM, Israel – Jerusalemites (those who could sleep) awakened on a beautiful Sunday morning to silence, except for the sound of chirping birds. It followed a night of uncertainty throughout the country, with the sound of explosions and warning sirens shattering the post-midnight calm, as Iran launched more than 300 drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles at Israel in Tehran’s … Read more

IDF Poised at Gaza Border, Braced for Iran Attack as US Warns Americans to Stay Near Israeli Cities

JERUSALEM, Israel – As the war in Gaza continues, Israel is on high alert, expecting a retaliatory attack from Iran, perhaps soon. Touring an Israeli air force base, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Thursday the military is ready for fights in other areas as well as Gaza. “We are in the middle of the war in … Read more