Ancient book containing earliest versions of 2 books of the Bible up for auction

The 136-page Crosby-Schøyen Codex, the oldest known book in private hands, was written between the middle of the third century and the beginning of the fourth century. (Photo: Screengrab/Christie’s) An ancient manuscript containing the oldest complete versions of two significant Biblical texts — the book of Jonah and 1 Peter — is being auctioned at … Read more

Bible Scholar Explains How 'Newer Testament' Translation Brings Readers Closer to Jewish Roots of Christian Faith

JERUSALEM, Israel – Translations of the Bible have increased dramatically in recent years and one Bible scholar has translated the Hebrew Heritage Bible Newer Testament. CBN News spoke recently with Dr. Brad Young, who trained at Hebrew University and was a teacher of biblical literature at Oral Roberts University for more than 30 years. He believed it was important to … Read more

What does it mean to take the Bible literally?

(Photo: Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez) People often ask if Christians should take the Bible literally. Some people complain that Christians take the Bible too literally, others complain that Christians don’t take the Bible literally enough. What should we do? What does literally mean? First, we should look at what we mean by the word ‘literally’? The … Read more

'A Sign of the End Times': Greg Laurie Says Iran's Attack on Israel Was Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy

Evangelist and pastor Greg Laurie says he believes Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel last week was a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. As CBN News reported from our Jerusalem Bureau, rocket sirens, and booms were heard across Israel early Sunday morning after Iran launched a massive, wide-scale aerial assault that threatened to push the Middle East … Read more

10 things I've learned as a pastor from reading the Bible 100 times

(Photo: Unsplash/Aaron Burden) When I was a pastoral student at Liberty University in 1989, I made a commitment to Jesus to read the Bible ten chapters a day until I had read it 100 times. I began this commitment on August 16, 1989, and I fulfilled this commitment on February 27, 2024. It took me … Read more

Faith focus: Navigating the New Year with help from the Bible

(Photo: Unsplash/Aaron Burden) As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, a wave of anticipation sweeps across the globe. For many, the transition from one year to the next symbolises a fresh start, a blank canvas upon which aspirations and resolutions are painted. In the Christian tradition, this annual reset can hold a particular … Read more

Jonathan Cahn Says Ancient Biblical Mystery Foretold Hamas Invasion: 'What the Bible Says Is True'

Best-selling author Jonathan Cahn reveals that a Biblical promise from the Old Testament foretold of the Hamas invasion of Israel that took place on October 7. Cahn, a U.S.-based Messianic Jewish minister, recently shared on YouTube that the night before the invasion he felt led to share God’s instructions to Moses about the Jubilee noted … Read more

Iranians secretly translating the Bible into their heart languages to share Christ with their people

(Photo: Unsplash/Arman Taherian) As the underground Church continues to grow in Muslim-majority Iran, Bible translators are putting their lives on the line to bring the Gospel into the local dialects so that their friends and neighbors can have access to the written word of God for the first time.  Through the work of the translation … Read more