Ex-Terrorist Confirms Mass Visions of Jesus in Gaza, Says Thousands of Muslims Will Come to Christ

A former Palestinian sniper turned Christian believes revival will break out in Gaza and thousands will come to Christ after the end of the Israel-Hamas war. Taysir “Tass” Abu Saada, a former aide to the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, recently told CBN News’ Global Lane that God’s Holy Spirit is already changing Palestinian hearts … Read more

Feast of Christ the King celebrated across India amidst prayers for trapped workers

Silkyara tunnel, Uttarakhand. (Photo: YouTube Screenshot/Firstpost) Catholics across India gathered in prayer on the Solemnity of Christ the King Sunday, seeking divine intervention for the safe evacuation of workers trapped in a tunnel in Uttarakhand. The celebration took place simultaneously in many places including Delhi, Ranchi and Indore, with believers joining together to express solidarity … Read more

Iranians secretly translating the Bible into their heart languages to share Christ with their people

(Photo: Unsplash/Arman Taherian) As the underground Church continues to grow in Muslim-majority Iran, Bible translators are putting their lives on the line to bring the Gospel into the local dialects so that their friends and neighbors can have access to the written word of God for the first time.  Through the work of the translation … Read more

'Jesus Christ, Guard Me': 2 Rare Ancient Inscriptions Found at Fort in Judean Desert, Including Psalm 86

Two archaeologists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have announced their team uncovered a rare inscription in Greek from the Byzantine period that paraphrases the first two verses of Psalm 86 from the Bible’s Old Testament book of Psalms.  The discovery was made at Horkania Fort, an isolated archaeological site in the Judean Desert.  In … Read more