Israel Kills Hamas Commander, Fights Rafah Terrorists Despite Global Court Ruling, Rocket Barrages

JERUSALEM, Israel – The Israeli military continues to fight on multiple fronts against Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The fighting goes on despite last week’s ruling by the International Court of Justice that ordered the sovereign state of Israel to desist.  For the first time in four months, Hamas fired rockets Sunday into Tel Aviv and other … Read more

Former IDF Brigade Commander Calls Protesting Reservists' Refusal to Serve 'Devastating'

JERUSALEM, Israel – Protests against the Israeli government’s judicial reform plan are reaching into many areas of society, including the country’s military, and could have an impact on the nation’s national security. As part of the protests, thousands of Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) reservists are threating to refuse to serve. This comes at a time when tensions between Israel and … Read more