Southern Israel's Farmers Begin to Make Desert Bloom Again after Hamas Horror, Destruction

KIBBUTZ NAHAL OZ, Israel – An Israeli organization helping prevent worldwide food shortages shifted gears October 7th, after Hamas targeted Israel’s farmers in the Gaza perimeter with death and destruction. Today, farmers are planning to make the desert bloom again. Nahal Oz sits less than a half mile from the Gaza border. On October 7th, Hamas terrorists … Read more

'Jesus Christ, Guard Me': 2 Rare Ancient Inscriptions Found at Fort in Judean Desert, Including Psalm 86

Two archaeologists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have announced their team uncovered a rare inscription in Greek from the Byzantine period that paraphrases the first two verses of Psalm 86 from the Bible’s Old Testament book of Psalms.  The discovery was made at Horkania Fort, an isolated archaeological site in the Judean Desert.  In … Read more