Ex-Terrorist Confirms Mass Visions of Jesus in Gaza, Says Thousands of Muslims Will Come to Christ

A former Palestinian sniper turned Christian believes revival will break out in Gaza and thousands will come to Christ after the end of the Israel-Hamas war. Taysir “Tass” Abu Saada, a former aide to the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, recently told CBN News’ Global Lane that God’s Holy Spirit is already changing Palestinian hearts … Read more

Ex-Terrorist Turned Christian Predicts Thousands in Gaza Will Come to Faith in Jesus

Tass Saada (Courtesy: Joel Rosenberg on TBN/YouTube screenshot) A one-time terrorist who turned to faith in Jesus in the 1990s is predicting thousands of Gazans will become Christians as the war between Hamas and Israel rages on. The 73-year-old Taysir “Tass” Abu Saada, a former member of the Fatah terrorist group, recently told Joel Rosenberg, … Read more