Faith Leaders, Diplomats Meet in Europe, Seek Emergency Solutions to Global Anti-Semitism

JERUSALEM, Israel – As anti-Semitism cascades in waves across much of Europe and the rest of the world, the European Coalition for Israel recently hosted the first Emergency Summit on Global Anti-Semitism in Geneva, Switzerland, bringing together diplomats and faith leaders to search for solutions. We spoke with the coalition’s founder Tomas Sandell, who told us … Read more

Faith focus: Navigating the New Year with help from the Bible

(Photo: Unsplash/Aaron Burden) As the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, a wave of anticipation sweeps across the globe. For many, the transition from one year to the next symbolises a fresh start, a blank canvas upon which aspirations and resolutions are painted. In the Christian tradition, this annual reset can hold a particular … Read more

Seeds of faith and hope in crisis-hit Lebanon

Tearfund’s church partners are helping to meet people’s needs in Lebanon. (Photo: MERATH/Tearfund) Christian Today speaks to Ali Wood, Tearfund’s country director for Lebanon, about how Christians are responding to the many challenges affecting the crisis-hit country. Lebanon has been struggling with a political and economic crisis, in addition to the long recovery after the 2020 … Read more

Ex-Terrorist Turned Christian Predicts Thousands in Gaza Will Come to Faith in Jesus

Tass Saada (Courtesy: Joel Rosenberg on TBN/YouTube screenshot) A one-time terrorist who turned to faith in Jesus in the 1990s is predicting thousands of Gazans will become Christians as the war between Hamas and Israel rages on. The 73-year-old Taysir “Tass” Abu Saada, a former member of the Fatah terrorist group, recently told Joel Rosenberg, … Read more

Strong families and strong faith make a strong America, says Pence

President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. August 22, 2017. (Photo: Unsplash/History in HD) Former US Vice-President Mike Pence wants Americans to get back round the dinner table and make their families a priority. This is the key message in his new book, Go Home for Dinner: Advice on How Faith Makes a Family … Read more

Archbishop joins faith leaders in condemning rise in antisemitic incidents amid Israel-Hamas war

The Archbishop of Canterbury (c) with Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra (l), a scholar and imam from Leicester, and former Assistant Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain, and Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg (r), Senior Rabbi of Masorti Judaism UK and Rabbi of the New North London Synagogue. (Photo: Neil Turner/Lambeth Palace) UK faith leaders, including the Archbishop … Read more

A pastor's unwavering faith amidst persecution in Uttar Pradesh

Pastor Shriram’s house church. (Photo: Pastor Shriram) Police in Uttar Pradesh reprimanded a pastor for the fourth time on September 24 based on allegations of forced conversions made by Hindu extremists after he was arrested twice and faced court proceedings for similar allegations earlier.  “The most they can do is put us in jail, what … Read more

Raising young people in faith takes more than parents, study finds

(Photo: Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez) A new study from the University of Georgia (UGA) has underlined the important role that engaged congregations and strong faith communities play in helping with the spiritual development of children. However, it has also shown that the sense of belonging these foster could play a vital role in helping determine whether … Read more

Christian doctor who shared faith with patient cleared of serious misconduct

(Photo: Christian Concern) A Christian doctor who shared his faith with a vulnerable patient has been cleared of serious misconduct by a medical tribunal. The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service concluded, however, that Dr Richard Scott “overstepped the boundaries” when he prayed with the patient.  Dr Scott saw the 19-year-old man at the Bethesda Medical Centre … Read more