Southern Israel's Farmers Begin to Make Desert Bloom Again after Hamas Horror, Destruction

KIBBUTZ NAHAL OZ, Israel – An Israeli organization helping prevent worldwide food shortages shifted gears October 7th, after Hamas targeted Israel’s farmers in the Gaza perimeter with death and destruction. Today, farmers are planning to make the desert bloom again. Nahal Oz sits less than a half mile from the Gaza border. On October 7th, Hamas terrorists … Read more

Hamas Accepts Deal Last-Minute with Israel Poised for Rafah Incursion

JERUSALEM, Israel – After months of negotiations, it appears Hamas might finally be willing to accept a hostage-release deal in exchange for a ceasefire. The announcement comes at the last minute as Israel was preparing to finally launch a Rafah incursion to wipe out the Hamas terrorist forces taking refuge there. The announcement was announced as Israelis were marking … Read more

Netanyahu: Hamas 'Extreme Demands' Holding up Hostage Release; No IDF Pullout, No Permanent Ceasefire

JERUSALEM, Israel – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a shot Sunday at what he believes are inaccurate media reports and blamed Hamas for holding up good-faith negotiations for the hostages held in Gaza by demanding that Israel agree to a permanent ceasefire rather than a truce.  After the weekly cabinet meeting, the prime minister said his government has … Read more

Holocaust Remembrance Day: Poland Pilgrims Face Magnitude of Death Camps, Today's Hamas Horrors

LUBLIN, MIEDZYRZEC, and TREBLINKA, Poland – Israel is commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day this year on May 6th against the backdrop of the October 7th massacre.    Although the scale was smaller, it brought many back to the murder of Jews during the Holocaust and many Israelis felt the spirit was the same. Shortly before the current … Read more

Israeli Military Poised to Enter Rafah, Hamas Keeps Dragging Out Hostage Talks

Israel’s military is poised to enter into Rafah, the last major stronghold of Hamas in Gaza, without a deal for the release of the hostages. But Hamas still wants to continue negotiations to end the war.      Israeli troops and tanks continue to gather near Rafah for the expected military operation.  Rafah is where many believe the leaders … Read more

Hamas War Takes Another Casualty – Israeli Tourism

JERUSALEM – In addition to the heartbreaking toll in human lives and families torn apart, the ongoing war in Gaza is crippling Israel’s once-thriving tourism industry. Many local businesses are struggling to weather this strained economy. The streets of Jerusalem’s old city would normally be bustling with tourists, but now lie eerily quiet. The number … Read more

Hamas War Takes Another Casualty – Israeli Tourism: 'It's Time to Forgive Each Other'

JERUSALEM – In addition to the heartbreaking toll in human lives and families torn apart, the ongoing war in Gaza is crippling Israel’s once-thriving tourism industry. Many local businesses are struggling to weather this strained economy. The streets of Jerusalem’s old city would normally be bustling with tourists, but now lie eerily quiet. The number … Read more

'We Are Facing a Terrorist Army': Israel on Cusp of War with a Far More Sophisticated Foe Than Hamas

KIRYAT SHMONA, northern Israel – Following Israel’s partial pullout from south Gaza, more attention is being turned to the northern border threat from Hezbollah. In the latest development, the Israeli military is announcing a move from defense to attack mode. Israeli residents still in the region are growing more anxious, especially with reports of Hezbollah … Read more

Jews, Christians Celebrate Purim, Palm Sunday as Israel Fights for Victory over Hamas

JERUSALEM, Israel – As Jews celebrated the holiday of Purim and Christians celebrated Palm Sunday, Israel and the U.S. continue to spar over whether or not Israel’s military will launch an operation into Rafah, the last stronghold in Gaza. The faceoff puts the Biden administration and the Netanyahu government on a collision course. Israel’s defense minister … Read more

Netanyahu Says 'No Way' to Destroy Hamas Militarily without Rafah Action; US Awaits Israeli Talks

JERUSALEM, Israel – The confrontation between the U.S. and Israel over the last major stronghold in Gaza continues. For some, the fate of Rafah means victory or defeat in Israel’s war against Hamas. So Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is pushing back on the Biden administration’s red lines on Rafah. Since Hamas’ last remaining battalions are hiding out … Read more