Southern Israel's Farmers Begin to Make Desert Bloom Again after Hamas Horror, Destruction

KIBBUTZ NAHAL OZ, Israel – An Israeli organization helping prevent worldwide food shortages shifted gears October 7th, after Hamas targeted Israel’s farmers in the Gaza perimeter with death and destruction. Today, farmers are planning to make the desert bloom again. Nahal Oz sits less than a half mile from the Gaza border. On October 7th, Hamas terrorists … Read more

'UNRWA Is a Horror Show': House Investigates UN Workers' Involvement in Oct 7 Hamas Attack

The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing Tuesday after reports that 10 percent of UNRWA employees are affiliated with Palestinian terror groups, and 12 of them took part in the October 7 attacks on Israel. Several witnesses testified that they weren’t surprised. UNRWA fired most of the workers accused of participating in the brutal … Read more

'Malicious, Wicked Slander': Joel Rosenberg Rejects War Crimes Claims Against Israel Since Hamas Horror

PHOTO: Hamas terrorists took 240+ Israelis hostage and murdered 1,400 on Oct. 7  (Hostages and Missing Families Forum via AP) Author and communications strategist Joel Rosenberg recently issued a rebuttal to those accusing Israel of crimes against humanity, painting a stark contrast between Hamas and the Israeli government. Rosenberg said some people speaking against Israel’s actions … Read more