Fallen Israeli Druze Soldiers Honored by Tree-Planting in Their Memory

Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF), responsible for Israel’s forests, held a tree planting ceremony in memory of Druze soldiers who have given their lives in the current Iron Swords War. “The Druze community’s journey of mourning since the beginning of the war is a journey of mourning for the entire nation,” Shaykh Mowafaq Tarif, … Read more

Israeli Hostage Families Sue UNRWA for Funding Hamas as IDF Troops Redeploy to North

JERUSALEM, Israel – The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) transferred some $1.3 billion in cash to Gaza over the last six years – money that some are saying was used to build up Hamas and its terror machine, as families of hostages released new footage of the fateful day on October 7th. More than … Read more

Former Israeli Liaison: Don't Slow Israel's Deterrence, Hezbollah's Real Focus is 'Great American Satan'

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is in Washington for talks with officials about Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza, and the prospect of opening a second full-on war with Hezbollah in the north. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his appreciation for America’s support for Israel on Sunday, but he explained his charge that … Read more

Cheers, Tears of Joy and Sadness as Israeli Forces Rescue Four Hostages, Commando Dies of Battle Wounds

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel Defense Forces announced Saturday that four Israeli Hamas-held hostages were freed in a raid from two different locations in central Gaza by Israeli military, police, and security forces. Later in the day, a commando who took part in the rescue was pronounced dead after he was critically wounded. The initial notice of the rescue read, … Read more

Israeli Dig Uncovers Byzantine-Era Church Drawings of Ships Carrying Christian Pilgrims

JERUSALEM, Israel – Excavators from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) have uncovered Byzantine-era church walls from 1,500 years ago containing drawings of ships in a dig south of the Bedouin Arab town of Rahat. The location is north of the Israeli city of Beersheva and east-southeast of the Gaza Strip. “These intriguing drawings may have been … Read more

Israeli Military Poised to Enter Rafah, Hamas Keeps Dragging Out Hostage Talks

Israel’s military is poised to enter into Rafah, the last major stronghold of Hamas in Gaza, without a deal for the release of the hostages. But Hamas still wants to continue negotiations to end the war.      Israeli troops and tanks continue to gather near Rafah for the expected military operation.  Rafah is where many believe the leaders … Read more

Hamas War Takes Another Casualty – Israeli Tourism

JERUSALEM – In addition to the heartbreaking toll in human lives and families torn apart, the ongoing war in Gaza is crippling Israel’s once-thriving tourism industry. Many local businesses are struggling to weather this strained economy. The streets of Jerusalem’s old city would normally be bustling with tourists, but now lie eerily quiet. The number … Read more

Israeli Company Offers Persecuted Jewish Students Help to Transfer to Israeli Universities

In response to the rising anti-Semitism and anti-Israel protests at U.S. campuses, Belong, a new Israeli relocation company, is offering free concierge services to assist 500 Jewish students from Columbia University and other affected institutions to pursue their studies at Israeli universities. Belong helps provide relocation services to immigrants to Israel, as well as those seeking … Read more

Netanyahu, Israeli Officials Endure 7th Blinken Visit Since Oct. 7 as Rafah Operation Awaits

JERUSALEM, Israel – U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Israeli leaders Wednesday. It’s his seventh visit since the start of the war in Gaza, and this time he’s on a mission to stop Israel’s next military operation.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed Blinken despite strong disagreements about the need for the Rafah incursion. … Read more

Israeli Leaders Could Face War Crimes Charges as White House Pushes Hostage-Ceasefire Deal

President Biden has again told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the White House opposes Israel’s planned invasion of the Gazan city of Rafah.  Meanwhile, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Saudi Arabia for the first leg of a Mideast tour to lobby for a ceasefire in exchange for the release of hostages in Gaza. … Read more