Jerusalem Fellowship Trains Students to Foster Jewish Community, Confront Campus Antisemitism

JERUSALEM, Israel – Since October 7th, many U.S. college campuses have become dangerous places for Jewish students. One organization in Jerusalem is preparing a new generation to stand up for their faith and stand against antisemitism. At Hebrew University recently, several young Jewish men about to attend college in the U.S. celebrated as they took a prize for … Read more

'Why Stand With Israel': Former CBN Videographer Premiers Award-Winning Film in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, Israel – For more than a decade, Brian Sanders worked at CBN as a videographer and editor, but in recent years, the Lord put on his heart to make a film showing why Christians should support Israel. The result – after more than eight years of prayer and hard work – is the film, “Why Stand with Israel.” He … Read more

Author's Experience Living in Ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem Neighborhood Shattered Expectations

JERUSALEM, Israel – Author Tuvia Tenenbom’s new book, Careful, Beauties Ahead! My Year with the Ultra-Orthodox, is the story of life in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Israel. Tuvia and his wife Isi lived in the religious Jerusalem neighborhood of Mea Shearim for a year, and what they found surprised them. Tuvia is the son and grandson of ultra-Orthodox rabbis … Read more

Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast 2024: 'Never Been a More Important Time to Pray'

JERUSALEM, Israel – Political and spiritual leaders from every continent are preparing to gather in Jerusalem at the end of this month for what organizers believe is one of the most important prayer events they’ve ever held. This gathering will be the first Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast since the Hamas atrocities last October. CBN News spoke with one of the … Read more

Tens of Thousands Attend Jerusalem Annual Passover Priestly Blessing, Focus on Hostages, Families

JERUSALEM, Israel – Despite war and rumors of war, tens of thousands of Jewish people came to the Western Wall during the intermediary days of Passover to pray and receive an annual blessing. Unsurprisingly, this year’s focus was the hostages and their families. More than 30,000 people came to take part in the Birkat Hacohenim, which … Read more

This Tomb Is Empty: Watch the Resurrection Service from the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, Israel – There’s an empty grave here in East Jerusalem, now known as the Arab quarter of Jerusalem, just outside the city walls. It’s called the Garden Tomb, and it is one of the two places that is thought to be the final resting place of Jesus of Nazareth. Many say this particular tomb … Read more

Unusual Ancient Stone Box from City of David on Display, a ‘Distinctly Jerusalem Find’

JERUSALEM, Israel — The antiquities parade continues in Jerusalem‘s city of David, where the Israel Antiquities Authority has just put on public display an unusual stone box from the time of the Second Temple nearly 2,000 years ago. The box, to be featured at Jerusalem‘s Israel Museum, looks like an ancient limestone waffle, measuring almost … Read more

Stakelbeck in Jerusalem Gives Perspective on Gaza War, Israel's Goals, Regional Future

JERUSALEM, Israel – CBN News sat down recently with former CBN News reporter Erick Stakelbeck, now an analyst, host and commentator with TBN. Stakelbeck has covered events in the Middle East for years, and with the region at a critical juncture during war time, we asked him about what he sees ahead for Israel and its neighbors. To watch the interview, click on … Read more

Rare Ancient Silver Coin found During Dig in Hills Near Jerusalem

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israeli archaeologists working at a dig in the Judean Hills outside Jerusalem have found a very rare ancient silver coin more than 2,500 years old. The coin is from the First Temple period (Solomon’s Temple), 2,550 years ago, during the Persian rule of King Cyrus. It was discovered during an excavation sponsored by the … Read more

Historic Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem Facing Demolition in Luxury Hotel Dispute

JERUSALEM – Here in Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter, an ancient Christian community is fighting to protect its historic land. They’re resisting an attempt to put a hotel on property they’ve owned for centuries, and they believe the issue raises broader concerns for the Christian presence in the city.  The Armenian Quarter, with its ancient heritage, is … Read more