World's oldest man dies at 114, attributed long life to loving God

Juan Vicente Pérez Mora. (Photo: YouTube/Guinness World Records) The oldest man in the world, who died this week in Venezuela, attributed his longevity in part to his strong Catholic faith and love for God. Juan Vicente Pérez Mora, 114, died Tuesday in Táchira, Venezuela, just weeks shy of his 115th birthday, according to an announcement … Read more

Israel Spokesman Hyman to CBN: Life for Us is 'Above All Else, Hamas Worships Death'

JERUSALEM, Israel – In addition to the ground, air, and underground war in Gaza, Israel is fighting an intense battle over information, as many world leaders and interest groups take the side of Hamas in what Israelis claim is a war for their existence. The battle has taken a toll, not only on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but … Read more

Hanukkah: Celebrating Light, Life, and Miracles in the Midst of War

COMMENTARY What do you think of when you think of Hanukkah? Maybe children receiving small gifts for each of the eight nights of the holiday. Or eating latkes and jelly donuts. Or lighting the menorah. The menorah, of course, is the eight-branched candelabrum that we light during Hanukkah to symbolize one of the great miracles … Read more

From Civilian Life to War: Hundreds of Thousands of Israeli Reservists Answer Call to Fight

Israel’s response to the Hamas terrorist attacks has resulted in the largest military call-up in the country’s history. With more than 360,000 reservists mobilized, it amounts to four percent of Israel’s population Reservists have shown no hesitation, whether at home or abroad. Within the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), it’s known as “the shift,” going from … Read more

Thousands March for Life through London

(Photo: March for Life UK) Thousands of people marched through London in support of the unborn at the weekend.  Police estimates put the number of participants in this year’s March for Life UK at 7,000.  They marched to Parliament Square on Saturday under the banner of ‘Freedom to Live’ despite being heckled by pro-abortion activists … Read more

The power of prayer in a busy life

(Photo: Unsplash/Jon Tyson) In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, amid the cacophony of deadlines, commitments and responsibilities, the timeless practice of prayer often takes a backseat. Yet, in the heart of the Christian faith, prayer is not just a ritual, but a powerful connection to the divine that holds unparalleled significance, especially … Read more

Half of Gen Zers says their life was 'transformed' by the Bible's message: study

(Photo: Unsplash/Priscilla Du Preez) A new report reveals that while younger generations of Americans are less religious and engaged with the Bible than their older counterparts, roughly half of them credit the Bible’s message for transforming their lives. The latest chapter of the American Bible Society’s State of the Bible USA 2023 report, released Thursday, focuses on … Read more