Hezbollah Launches Record Missile Volley at Israel After Commander's Killing, Hamas Kills Ceasefire Plan

JERUSALEM, Israel – Northern Israel came under its worst Hezbollah attack since the start of the Gaza war Wednesday as Hamas made outlandish counter-proposals to the latest ceasefire deal proposed by the U.S., in effect rejecting it. While Israelis celebrated the biblical holiday of Shavuot, Hezbollah launched more than 200 rockets at communities in northern Israel – … Read more

Rabbi and Physics Prof. Both Point to Hand of God in Israel's Escape from Iranian Missile Onslaught

JERUSALEM, Israel – After Iran’s missile barrage last week against Israel, many people here who endured the explosions and sirens during the night were both relieved and stunned to learn that 99 percent of the more than 300 drones and missiles fired at them were shot down, and most did not even make it to Israeli airspace. … Read more

Israel's War Cabinet Weighs Counter-Strike for Iran Missile Attack as White House Pushes Diplomacy

JERUSALEM, Israel – Following the biggest drone and missile attack in history, Israel is deciding how to respond to Iran’s strike that launched more than 300 projectiles over the weekend.  The question is whether Israel will counter-attack, or whether allies, especially the U.S., will succeed in restraining Israel’s military response. Firing drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise … Read more