Israel Pursues 'Critical' Rafah Battle, Defends against Legal Attack as Gaza Aid Pier Nears Completion

JERUSALEM, Israel – From the battleground in Gaza to the legal battles at The Hague, Israel is fighting on multiple fronts. Still, Israel is finding allies on Capitol Hill and among Christian leaders.    Despite international condemnation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told soldiers that Israel’s operation into Rafah – the last major stronghold of Hamas … Read more

'Iran Marches Across the Middle East': Threat to US and Allies Escalates as Ramadan Nears

CAPITOL HILL – The Iranian threat hovers over tensions in the Middle East as the hardline Islamic regime continues to fund proxies in the region. Senators on the Foreign Relations Committee put the issue front and center this week. Members of the committee heard from experts about the ongoing threat Iran poses. Iran remains a … Read more