Netanyahu Voices Clear Opposition to Palestinian State as Biden Admin Argues for It

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel and the U.S. are facing off over the future of Gaza and the establishment of a Palestinian state. Both U.S. and Israeli leaders are making their case publicly. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear Thursday that he’s opposed to a Palestinian state. “I tell this truth to our American friends … Read more

UN Agency & Palestinian School Curriculum: 'They Don't Hate Jews, They Want to Kill Jews'

JERUSALEM, Israel – In Part II of our CBN News interview with investigative journalist David Bedein from the Center for Near East Policy, we take a more detailed look at United Nations Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA), and its decades-long involvement with Palestinian school curriculum, which has helped produce generations of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic hatred among the … Read more

Is Palestinian Support for Hamas Crumbling? What Some Say Privately About Their Terrorist Overlords

Public protests against Hamas are rare in Gaza.  A clip from the BBC on social media showed a woman in Gaza cursing “the dogs of Hamas” for her suffering before someone can be seen covering her mouth.    There are Palestinians in Gaza who don’t support Hamas, but polls have shown that most in fact … Read more

Israel to Patrol Palestinian Building Project at Site of Joshua's Altar on Mt. Ebal

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel’s Civil Administration says an archaeologist has opened an investigation into reports that the Palestinian Authority is attempting to build a housing project at the historical site of Joshua’s Altar on biblical Mt. Ebal. Israel’s Channel 12 reported that a Samaria Regional Council inspector found road paving underway at the site commissioned by the P.A. … Read more