Israel Launches Project to Collect Hamas Victims' Testimonies so Future Generations Remember

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel’s Government Press Office (GPO) has launched an ambitious project to collect the testimonies of all those kidnapped on October 7th and preserve them for future generations. One of the focuses of the project is on those who suffered from sexual abuse either before or during Hamas captivity. “The GPO took footage and … Read more

Ultra-Orthodox Filmmakers' Virtual Reality Project Presents Strong Auschwitz Experience for New Generation

JERUSALEM, Israel – A virtual reality film called Triumph of the Spirit is taking thousands of younger Israelis to the scene of the crime as they learn about the Holocaust. This tool comes at an important time, as surveys show fewer people know about this key part of history. One miracle described by the director of … Read more

Israel to Patrol Palestinian Building Project at Site of Joshua's Altar on Mt. Ebal

JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel’s Civil Administration says an archaeologist has opened an investigation into reports that the Palestinian Authority is attempting to build a housing project at the historical site of Joshua’s Altar on biblical Mt. Ebal. Israel’s Channel 12 reported that a Samaria Regional Council inspector found road paving underway at the site commissioned by the P.A. … Read more